There are numerous illnesses associated with the eight known human herpes viruses. The most common of these include chicken pox and shingles (HHV-3), herpes labialis (HHV-1), genital herpes (HHV-2), mononucleosis (HHV-4), cytomegalovirus infection (HHV-5), roseola infantum (HHV 6 and 7), Kaposi’s sarcoma (HHV-8), and certain cancers (HHV-4 and 8). Hepatitis, pneumonia, and numerous varied complications are also possible, especially in immunocompromised hosts. Herpes viruses are ubiquitous and infection generally persists for life, although prolonged latency is common and in many cases, symptoms may only appear during times of increased stress or decreased immune function. Latent infection is maintained in nerve cells, where the virus evades immune surveillance. In addition to the classic disease associations mentioned above, it has been theorized that conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and numerous other types of cancer may be associated with chronic herpes infection especially with the Epstein-Barr virus (HHV-4), though firm evidence is lacking. You may wish to refer to the Viral Infections section of this guide.
* Fatigue Stat CM™- (Formerly called CMV Stat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for relief of fever with dyspepsia, muscle aches, and weakness.**
* Fatique Nosode EB™- (Formerly EBV Stat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for relief of fever with dyspepsia, muscle aches, and weakness.**
Dermatome HP™- (Formerly called HZ HP) high-potency formula indicated for pain, rashes, and cold sores.**
* Dermatome Stat™- (Formerly called HZ Stat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for relief of aches, pains, fever, and painful vesicular skin lesions.**
Lymph HP™– (Formerly called Infect HP) high-potency formula for relief of systemic symptoms associated with common viral infections, such as chronic fever and cough.**
Lymphastat™- (Formerly called Infectistat) homeopathic detoxifier for various bacterial and viral conditions.**
V HP™- high-potency formula indicated for relief of symptoms due to lowered immune response, including fatigue associated with chronic viral infections.**
Lymphastat V™- (Formerly called Virustat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for symptoms of chronic viral infections.**
* Echinacom™ or Echinacom C™–fortifier for the immune system, indicated to support a healthy immune response.
Lapachocom™- fortifier for the immune system, indicated in states of lowered vitality.
* Propolicom™- fortifier for the immune system and upper respiratory tract.
St. John’s Wort– single herbal recommended as a fortifier for the nerves and immune system.
Trifolocom™- fortifier for the lymphatic system and spleen.
C-TR 1500– time-released vitamin C to support the immune system.
H.D.A. (High Delivery Acidophilus)– encapsulated live “friendly” bacteria specially processed to deliver the greatest amount of beneficial cultures to the intestines where it rehydrates, multiplies and implants. Supports healthy intestinal flora and immune system function.
* Immunique™- a balanced supplement providing vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for immune support.
* L-Lysine– amino acid that aids in the production of antibodies, in sufficient doses known to play a role in inhibiting herpes virus outbreaks[i].
Methylfol– folate and methylcobalamin to support nerve health.
Initial E™- supplemental vitamin E to support healthy skin.
Additional Considerations
Citrus, melons, sugar, and caffeine are all elements of the diet which may exacerbate herpes outbreaks. L-Arginine supplementation, or a diet high in L-Arginine, may also exacerbate herpes outbreaks. Stress reduction techniques will likely also be beneficial in controlling herpes outbreaks.
[i] Mailoo VJ, Rampes S. Lysine for Herpes Simplex Prophylaxis: A Review of the Evidence. Integr Med (Encinitas). 2017;16(3):42–46.
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
revised 3/1/21