Endometriosis is a condition where cells appearing identical to normal endometrium (the lining of the uterus) are found growing ectopically elsewhere in the body, most commonly in the lower abdomen. It is estimated that between 5 and 15% of all women suffer with this condition. Symptoms of endometriosis may include pelvic pain, lower back pain, intermittent pain throughout the menstrual cycle, dyspareunia, pain with urination or stool, excessive bleeding or tissue shedding during menses, constipation or nausea during menses, and infertility. The cause of endometriosis remains a matter of debate. One theory holds that retrograde menstruation deposits endometrial tissue into the peritoneum through the uterine tubes. This theory is challenged by the fact that retrograde menstruation occurs to some extent in 90% of women, and therefore cannot in itself be considered sufficient to cause the disorder. Another theory holds that uncontrolled estrogen levels can induce metaplasia in mesodermal tissue, causing it to transform into endometrium. This theory is supported by 1) the fact that ectopic endometrial tissue has been found in sites quite distant from the pelvic cavity, and 2) that endometrial tissue has been discovered in men undergoing estrogen therapy for prostate cancer. Either way, it is acknowledged that estrogen mediates the symptoms, which generally remit after menopause. There has also been speculation of a link between endometriosis and a history of recurrent vaginal infections, and it is increasingly suspected that immune dysfunction or possibly microflora imbalance may contribute to the disorder. If excessive menstrual bleeding is present, the patient should also be screened for anemia.
Carcinosin Cord- homeopathic cord of Carcinosin potencies, a remedy frequently indicated in endometriosis especially if there is a family history.**
Endopar F™- glandular homeopathic for female hormone support. Indicated for relief of menstrual pain and cramps, pain immediately prior to menses, and sore breasts associated with menstruation.**
Estrogen Phenolic- isopathic phenolic remedy indicated for relief of symptoms associated with reactions to estrogen.**
Gynestat™- homeopathic detoxifier for the ovaries, uterus, uterine tubes, and cervix. Indicated for relief of menstrual pain and vaginal irritation.**
Ovapar™- glandular homeopathic for ovarian support, indicated for relief of painful menses and menstrual cramps.**
Progesterone Phenolic- isopathic phenolic remedy indicated for relief of symptoms associated with reactions to progesterone.**
Scarstat™- homeopathic detoxifier indicated for relief of pain due to abdominal adhesions.**
Sycosis Miasm™- homeopathic miasm formula for conditions characterized by overgrowth of tissue in any part of the body and pain in the pelvis and region of the ovaries.**
Chaste Tree- single spagyric herbal to support healthy hormone balance.
* Cohoshcom I™- fortifier for ovaries and endocrine system, indicated to support healthy menstruation.
Echinacom™- fortifier for the immune system, indicated to support lymphatic drainage.
* Female Formula™- Rainforest Botanical formula indicated for relief of PMS symptoms and menstrual cramping.
Nettlecom™- fortifier for the blood and source of iron, indicated as a tonic and blood builder.
Flora Defense™- ( Formerly called Yeast Formula) Rainforest Botanical formula indicated to support a healthy vaginal microbiome.
B-Complex- B Vitamin supplement to support blood cell synthesis and hormone balancing.
C-TR 1500™- time released Vitamin C, an essential nutrient indicated to support tissue healing.
D-3 125 MCG- lower levels of this vitamin correlate with onset and severity of this condition[i].
* G.L.A. Borage- essential fatty acid supplement, aids in balancing hormones.
High Delivery Acidophilus- supports a healthy gut and vaginal microbiome.
* Initial E™- first processing of unesterified vitamin E, an essential nutrient that aids in hormone balancing.
* Mag-Chlor- highly absorbable form of magnesium chloride, an essential nutrient to support detoxification and muscle relaxation.
Melatonin Pro™- this sleep and antioxidant supplement may also help to reduce pain and inflammation[ii].
N-Acetyl Cysteine- supports healthy detoxification and hepatic hormone metabolism.
Additional Considerations
Life Choice Capsules – a nutritious formulation that aids detoxification and boosts immunity. Increasing antioxidant intake is often beneficial in endometriosis.
A healthy diet of primarily whole, unprocessed foods is essential for managing the disorder. Reducing sugar in particular has shown the most benefit, possibly by helping to limit the growth of candida.
Warm baths can relax the muscles and alleviate cramping. Using pads rather than tampons can also reduce pain and cramping.
Regular exercise is beneficial in managing endometriosis.
[i] Ciavattini A., Serri M., Delli Carpini G., Morini S., Clemente N. Ovarian endometriosis and vitamin D serum levels. Gynecol. Endocrinol. 2017;33:164–167. doi: 10.1080/09513590.2016.1239254.
[ii] Chen WW, Zhang X, Huang WJ. Pain control by melatonin: Physiological and pharmacological effects. Exp Ther Med. 2016;12(4):1963‐1968. doi:10.3892/etm.2016.3565
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
revised 3/1/21