Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles of the skin characterized by pustules. The exact cause is unknown, but contributing factors are heredity, bacteria, sebum production, and androgens (male hormones) produced in increased amounts when a female or male reaches puberty. Other causes may be oral contraceptives, allergies, food sensitivities, stress, environmental toxins overwhelming the organs of elimination, or excess junk food. Imbalances in the endocrine system may also play a role.
Complextion HP™-(Formerly called Acne HP™) high potency formula indicated for relief of symptoms due to acne, recommended for chronic or severe situations.**
Histastat Food™– (Formerly called Allerstat I) detoxifier of common food allergies that may temporarily relieve indigestion with flatulence, bloating, and loss of weight.**
Lymphastat B™– (Formerly called Bactestat) detoxifier of various bacterial infections that may aid in reducing infections of the skin.**
B HP™– (Formerly called BAC HP) high potency formula indicated for chronic bacterial infections, swelling, and inflammation of the lymph nodes.**
Endopar™– glandular homeopathic that balances the endocrine system.**
Endopar F™– glandular homeopathic that balances the female endocrine system.**
* Genstat™– this homeopathic and magnesium chloride blend stimulates detoxification of the elimination centers.**
Black Radish– single herb to support the liver and healthy detoxification.
* Burdocom™– fortifier for the smooth muscles, skin, and liver, promotes healthy skin..
Cleansing Formula– Rainforest Botanical formula that purifies blood and increases circulation to organs.
Dandecom™– fortifier for the liver, cleanser, and detoxifier, promotes healthy skin. .
Echinacom™– supports the immune system, promotes healthy skin.
Environmental Formula– Rainforest Botanical formula that aids the detoxification of environmental toxins, promotes liver and gallbladder health, and promotes healthy skin.
* Gencom™– detoxifier for the general system, promotes healthy skin. .
Junicom™- fortifier for the prostate gland, may be helpful to support healthy hormone balance.
Lomacom™– topical ointment to support skin health and healing.
Scrophularicom™– fortifier for the lymph, spleen, and liver, promotes healthy skin.
* B-Complex– B Vitamins are important for healthy skin and the regulation of lipid metabolism within the epidermis.
B-6 250 MG– vitamin B6 capsules to support healthy skin, especially during the menstrual cycle.
Chromium Picolinate– this mineral helps support healthy blood sugar levels, including normal mTOR and IGF-1 signaling.
Flax Seed Oil– this essential fatty acid is important for healthy skin and hair.
H.D.A. (High Delivery Acidophilus)– encapsulated live “friendly” bacteria specially processed to deliver the greatest amount of beneficial cultures to the intestines to aid intestinal flora.
Pancreazyme Plus– digestive enzymes to optimize gut health, which can be the basis for healthy skin.
* Primrose Oil– this essential fatty acid supplies the essential gamma-linoleic acids needed for healthy skin.
Zinc Picolinate– zinc supports the immune system, hormone metabolism, and healthy regeneration of skin cells.
Additional Considerations
Have the individual keep the affected area clean. Washing the face with lemon juice three times daily has been recommended. Inform him/her not to pick or scratch blackheads; this may result in scarring. If food allergies are suspected, try an elimination diet to find irritants, and use Energique’s homeopathic Antigens products described in the Homeopathics section of our catalog. Fiber intake should be increased and only whole foods consumed, especially vegetables.
As a detoxification program may also be helpful, see the Detoxification section of this guide.
*Denotes primary remedy.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Version 03/1/21