If you have reached out to our staff naturopathic doctors through our popular Askthedoc feature, you have probably heard back from Dr. Laurell Matthews. In addition to working for Energique, Dr. Laurell still sees patients and enjoys the challenge of thinking through complex clinical scenarios. She loves to hear from our practitioners to help them figure out which of Energique’s many homeopathic, herbal, and nutritional products to consider for their cases.
Dr. Laurell has been studying natural medicine for 29 years. She initially studied herbal medicine, but then added homeopathy when working in a natural foods co-op. She studied biochemistry as an undergraduate, already knowing that she wanted to become a naturopathic doctor. Even during these undergraduate studies, she paid attention to which nutrients particular body systems relied on for healthy function.
So take a look at what such an experienced practitioner keeps on hand for herself.

This is mostly just the medicine cabinet that contains her herbal and homeopathic liquids. She has a basket in the kitchen for many of the dietary supplements she takes, such as Enervite C Defense, N-Acetyl Cysteine, and Magnesium Malate.
So what can we learn about Dr. Laurell from this picture?
- She has a wonderful husband who found her this antique wooden cabinet.
- She keeps on hand products for many scenarios, such as immune support, detox, joint health, and perimenopause support.
- She uses both single homeopathic remedies and homeopathic combinations.
- She has a genetic mutation in her methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) enzyme so she is a dedicated user of Methylfol to prevent methylfolate deficiency.
- She arranged her single herbs by scientific name. What a nerd!
One thing Dr. Laurell loves about natural medicine is its flexibility. If you aren’t seeing results with some of your favorite products, there are many different approaches you can pivot to. She sees some patient cases where she needs to lean more on homeopathy and another patient might do better with a protocol focused on supportive dietary supplements and lifestyle changes. So if you are looking for insights into how to use Energique’s diverse products to improve the health of your clients, send a message to her and Dr. Ian Spohn at askthedoc@energiquepro.com.
Next week—Dr. Laurell’s spice rack?