Parkinson’s disease is a chronic, degenerative disease of the nervous system characterized by bradykinesia, muscular rigidity, resting tremor, and postural instability. Classic signs include a “pill rolling” tremor of the hand at rest which improves with movement; a staring, mask-like appearance of the face from rigidity of the muscles of expression; and a shuffling or festinating gait in which the stooped patient may break into a run to prevent falling forward. Depression and dementia are possible accompanying symptoms. The pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease involves a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. The cause of this deterioration is unknown but is believed to involve a genetic susceptibility combined with environmental triggers. A number of environmental toxins have been implicated, including mercury and pesticides, and antioxidants seem to be protective.
* Additivestat™- (Formerly called Addastat) homeopathic detoxifier for insecticides and pesticides, indicated for relief of debility, exhaustion after slight exertion, and nausea.**
Cerebrapar™- glandular homeopathic to support the brain and nervous system, may temporarily relieve nervous twitch, confusion, and forgetfulness.**
CO Q 10- single homeopathic remedy indicated for poor memory and to enhance cellular detoxification.**
Dentastat™- homeopathic detoxifier for mercury and dental toxins, indicated for the effects of mercury amalgams.**
Envirostat™- homeopathic detoxifier for major air and water pollutants, indicated for relief of head congestion and general exhaustion as a consequence of exposure to smog, dust, or industrial agents.**
Industristat™- homeopathic detoxifier for major industrial pollutants, indicated for relief of cough, sensation of looseness in the chest, rhinitis, and hoarseness with rough scraped feeling of the throat.**
* L-Dopa Phenolic or Dopamine Phenolic- phenolics that are indicated for Parkinsonism and may relieve some of the symptoms.**
* Metalstat™- homeopathic detoxifier for heavy metals, indicated for relief of vomiting, exhaustion, and metallic taste.**
* Numbness HP™- (Formerly called Neuralgia HP) high-potency formula for relief of neuralgia symptoms, including numbness, tingling, and irritation of the nerves.**
Neuropar™- glandular homeopathic to support the nervous system, indicated for relief of stiffness in the nape of the neck with shooting pains, and tingling and burning pain with numbness.**
Neurostat™- homeopathic detoxifier for the nervous system, indicated for relief of dizziness when riding or sitting, weak memory, and feelings of indifference or confusion.**
Syphilitic Miasm- homeopathic miasm formula indicated for chronic, degenerative conditions with symptoms of weakness, irritability, heaviness, numbness, and staggering.**
Ashwagandha- single spagyric herbal known for its neuroprotective and antioxidant properties. Evidence shows this herb may protect dopaminergic neurons[i].
Calming Formula- Rainforest Botanical calming formula that promotes restful sleep, relaxes hyperactive nerves, eases jitters, and calms the heart.
* Dandecom™- fortifier and detoxifier for the liver, indicated to support the liver during a pesticide detox program (including Additivestat™).
Environmental Formula- Rainforest Botanical herbal detox formula that supports bile production and secretion, fights aging, promotes liver and gallbladder health, and enhances the elimination of environmental toxins.
Gencom™- fortifier for the blood and detoxifier for the general system.
Ginkgocom™- fortifier for the circulatory system, indicated to support healthy cerebral circulation.
* Gotacom™- fortifier for the brain and endocrine system, indicated for nervous system and circulatory system support.
Regencom™- fortifier for the immune system, indicated as a general system detoxifier.
* Solidagocom™- fortifier for the kidneys, indicated to support the kidneys during a heavy metal detoxification program (including Metalstat™ or Dentastat™).
Una de Gato- single Rainforest Botanical known for its immune-supporting and antioxidant benefits. Also known as cat’s claw and available in liquid or capsules.
* Valericom™- fortifier and detoxifier for the nervous system, indicated for relief of restlessness and occasional spasms.
CO Q-10 C- this important fat-soluble antioxidant supports healthy energy production in the central nervous system.
C-TR 1500- time-released vitamin C, indicated to support antioxidant function in the central nervous system.
D-3 125 MG.- deficiency of this vitamin is common in individuals with Parkinson’s[ii].
Enervimin™ Stress Focus- full-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement high in B vitamins to support the nervous system.
Initial E™- antioxidant vitamin indicated to support the nervous system.
Mag-Chlor- liquid magnesium chloride, a highly absorbable form of magnesium to aid the body in flushing out toxins.
Marine Omega 3 Pro™- natural source of EPA and DHA, essential fatty acids critical for brain health. DHA deficiency is believed to be a risk factor for Parkinson’s[iii].
Methylfol- methylated forms of B12 and folate that support nerve function and detoxification.
N-Acetyl Cysteine- N-acetyl cysteine plus trace minerals to support glutathione production in the brain.
Zinc Picolinate- zinc supplementation may increase levels of superoxide dismutase, the main antioxidant system in the substantia nigra.
Additional Considerations
* Life Choice Capsules– outstanding green foods blend features chlorella and spirulina and is packed with nutrients and antioxidants for cellular defense.
Exposure to environmental toxins should be minimized. The patient should cook in stainless steel or glass, not aluminum pans. Rubber gloves should be worn whenever handling any chemicals, even everyday household cleaners. Your patient may want to consider a visit to a dentist who specializes in the removal of dental amalgams.
Several studies suggest that coffee and tea have neuroprotective benefits in models of Parkinson’s disease.
[i] Singh N, Rai SN, Singh D, Singh SP (2015) Withania somnifera shows ability to counter Parkinson's Disease: An Update. SOJ Neurol 2(2), 1-4. DOI:
[ii] P. Knekt, A. Kilkkinen, H. Rissanen, J. Marniemi, K. Sääksjärvi, and M. Heliövaara, “Serum vitamin D and the risk of Parkinson disease,” Archives of Neurology, vol. 67, no. 7, pp. 808–811, 2010.
[iii] Avallone R, Vitale G, Bertolotti M. Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Neurodegenerative Diseases: New Evidence in Clinical Trials. Int J Mol Sci. 2019;20(17):4256. Published 2019 Aug 30. doi:10.3390/ijms20174256
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Revised 3/1/21