Lupus (also referred to as SLE, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus) is a protean autoimmune disorder, usually diagnosed by the presence of antinuclear antibodies. It occurs predominantly in women (90% of cases), tending to affect younger women including children in some cases. It also disproportionately affects African Americans, in which group it is frequently under- or misdiagnosed. Emerging studies suggest that it may also be more common in Africa than previously supposed, suggesting a genetic predisposition rather than a psychosocial cause. Lupus can lead to autoimmune-mediated inflammation of any tissue, though it shows a strong predilection for the joints and may be mistaken for rheumatoid arthritis. It is also common, though not essential, for patients to present with a photosensitive rash. Discoid Lupus (DLE) is a less serious, non-systemic form of the disease which primarily affects the skin and rarely involves other organs. It usually presents with a characteristic “butterfly” rash over the malar aspect of the face. The cause of Lupus is unknown, though some experts believe it may be a reaction to an unidentified virus. Others have theorized T-cell dysfunction originating in the thymus or bone marrow. Additional symptoms of lupus may include anemia, sores or lesions in the mouth, progressive dysfunction of the heart, lungs or kidneys, recurring infections, and neurological disorders. The condition is usually chronic and in some cases may follow a relapsing-remitting course.
Joint HP™– (Formerly called Arthritis HP) high-potency formula for persons with joint pain, indicated for relief of symptoms due to joint inflammation and swelling.**
Free Radistat™- homeopathic detoxifier for free radical damage, indicated for relief of weakness, tiredness, and general exhaustion.**
* Genstat™- homeopathic detoxifier for states of general toxicity, indicated for sudden desire to urinate, weakness and fatigue, increased mucus leading to cough or hoarseness, abdominal bloating, constipation alternating with diarrhea, muscle stiffness, soreness, and pain.**
Nat Mur 30C– single homeopathic remedy indicated for photosentive skin rash and depression.**
* Regen HP™- high-potency formula for relief of various sensitivities, indicated for sore throat, extreme fatigue, glandular swelling, and mucous discharge.**
Jointox AI™- (Formerly called Rheumatism HP) high-potency formula for persons with rheumatism or arthritis, indicated for relief of joint aches and pains and swelling.**
Joint Tone AI™- (Formerly called Rheumatone) tonifier for persons with rheumatism or arthritis, indicated for relief of pains throughout shoulder, arm, finger, and small joints, swelling and tenderness of the fingers and toe joints, and inflammation.**
* Thymupar™- homeopathic glandular remedy to support the thymus gland. The thymus is crucial to maintaining central tolerance and preventing autoimmunity.**
V HP™- high-potency formula indicated for symptoms from recurring viral infections, such as chronic fatigue, headache, and sore throat.**
Lymphastat V™- (Formerly called Virustat) homeopathic detoxifier for chronic viral infections, indicated for relief of fever, rash, and achiness.**
Jointcom™- (Formerly called Arthricom) fortifier for the musculoskeletal system, indicated for temporary relief of occasional pain.
Astragalus– single spagyric herbal indicated for immune system support.
Bayberrycom™- fortifier for the kidneys, indicated to support renal function.
Burdocom™- fortifier for smooth muscles, skin, and liver, indicated to maintain healthy skin.
Dandecom™- fortifier and detoxifier for the liver, indicated to promote detoxification.
Diuretic Formula– Rainforest Botanical formula for kidney and bladder support.
Gencom™- blood purifier and detoxifier for the general system.
Turmericom™- (Formerly called Inflammacom) fortifier for the immune system, indicated to support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.
Joint Formula– Rainforest Botanical blend to support healthy joints.
Osteocom™- fortifier for the bones. Patients with lupus are at increased risk of osteoporosis.
Propolicom™- fortifier for the immune and respiratory systems.
* Regencom™- fortifier for the immune system, indicated for states of lowered vitality.
* Trifolocom™- fortifier for the lymphatic system and spleen, indicated to promote lymphatic drainage..
Una de Gato– single herb from the Rainforest known for its immune-supporting and antioxidant benefits. Also known as Cat’s Claw and available in liquid or capsules.
D-3 125 MG– this vitamin and hormone plays an essential role in regulated the immune system.
Digestizyme Plus– digestive enzyme replacement, indicated to support digestive function and nutrient assimilation.
* Enervimin™ Joint Focus– full-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement formulated to support healthy joints.
Flax Seed Oil– flax seed-based essential fatty acid supplement, indicated to support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.
G.L.A. Borage– borage seed-based essential fatty acid supplement, indicated to support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.
* Marine Omega 3 Pro™- fish oil-derived essential fatty acid supplement, indicated to support a healthy and balanced inflammatory response.
Mineral Magic– highly concentrated natural source of minerals and colloidal trace minerals.
Zinc Picolinate– this essential mineral is required for immune system regulation.
Additional Considerations
* Life Choice Capsules– Energique’s outstanding green foods blend features chlorella and spirulina and is packed with nutrients and antioxidants for cellular defense.
An anti-inflammatory diet such as the Swank diet may help control symptoms by lessening the overall burden of inflammation in the body.
Daily exercise, hot baths, and massage are extremely beneficial for controlling musculoskeletal pain. Hot castor oil packs have also been recommended for relief.
Constitutional homeopathic treatment may be helpful for patients with lupus. The relapsing-remitting course of the disease, its predilection to affect people of African heritage, and its photosensitive skin rash (possibly indicative of porphyrin accumulation as a result of excessive hemolytic activity) have intriguing correlations with malarial infection, suggesting the possibility that lupus is an expression of the malarial miasm.
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
revised 3/1/21