Candida albicans is a yeast-like fungus that inhabits the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, mouth, and throat. This organism, which normally lives in a healthy balance with other bacteria and yeasts within the body, can multiply out of control resulting in a condition known as candidiasis. This overgrowth can manifest in diverse symptoms, such as tiredness, digestive disorders, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, vaginitis, cystitis, menstrual problems, migraines, numbness or tingling of the face or extremities, allergies, itching, sinus infections, thrush, irritability, anxiety, depression, mood swings, and forgetfulness. It affects both men and women. For additional information, you may also refer to the Fungal Infections page of this guide.
Lymphastat C™- (Formerly called Cancordistat) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for bloating of the stomach, flatulence, and rhinitis.
Candida Albicans Phenolic– isopathic remedy to temporarily relieve symptoms associated with reactions to yeast or mold in foods, indicated for indigestion.
Candida Cord– homeopathic cord of Candida albicans, indicated for bloated abdomen and indigestion.
* Candida Albicans™- (Formerly called Candique) homeopathic Candida nosode indicated for vaginal discharge, vaginal discomfort, abdominal distention, and bloating.
Cort Sym™ Gel- topical gel indicated for temporary relief of itchy skin irritations, inflammation, rashes, and genital or anal itching.
Lymphastat F™- (Formerly called Fungustat I) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for heartburn, distention, burning with urination, flatulence, and apathy.
* Femstat C™- (Formerly called Fungustat II) homeopathic detoxifier indicated for bloating of the stomach, flatulence, and rhinitis.
Black Walnut– single herb known for its cleansing and laxative properties.
Echinacom™ or Echinacom C™- fortifier for the immune system, indicated for occasional symptoms due to minor fungal infections.
Grapefruit (seed)- single herb known for its antimicrobial properties.
* Lapachocom™– fortifier for the immune system, indicated for occasional symptoms of minor fungal infections.
Pau D’ Arco– single herb known for its cleansing properties.
Pyloricom™- fortifier for the stomach and small intestines, indicated to support microbial balance.
Metabolism Formula– Rainforest Botanical formula that satisfies sweet cravings and supports healthy blood sugar.
* Flora Defense– (Formerly called Yeast Formula) Rainforest Botanical anti-yeast formula, indicated for occasional symptoms due to minor fungal infections.
B-Complex– Vitamin B formula to replace possible vitamin deficiencies due to malabsorption.
* Caprylic Acid Plus– antifungal blend to support healthy microbial balance in the digestive tract.
Colo-Cleanse™- source of fiber and cleansing herbs to promote regular bowel movements.
* Enervimin™ Flora Focus– full spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement formulated for individuals who are prone to yeast infections.
Flax Seed Oil– source of essential fatty acids to support a healthy immune response.
G.L.A. Borage– essential fatty acids to support the immune system and correct possible deficiencies due to malabsorption.
* H.D.A. (High Delivery Acidophilus)- encapsulated live “friendly” bacteria specially processed to deliver the greatest amount of beneficial cultures to the intestines to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora.
Immunique™- essential nutrients for tissue healing and immune support.
Magnesium Malate – essential mineral to address possible deficiencies and support detoxofication, also indicated for constipation.
N-Acetyl Cysteine – this sulfur-containing amino acid may help to thin mucus and support detoxification.
Additional Considerations
The use of certain pharmaceuticals (such as cortisone, oral contraceptives, and antibiotics) may upset the balance and cause an overgrowth of Candida in some individuals.
Certain foods may aggravate Candida overgrowth, depending on the individual. Common problem foods are: aged and fermented foods, alcohol, chocolate, dried fruits, gluten-containing grains, vinegars, sugary products, and yeast-containing products. The diet may need to be free of fruit, sugars, yeast, and high-carbohydrate foods. The patient should eat vegetables and meats, including fish. Eating live yogurt adds acidophilus to the body and helps restore normal balance.
Inform your patient that cotton clothing is preferred over synthetic fabrics that tend to hold in moisture.
Individuals with chronic fungal infections may have a suppressed immune system. Immune systems may become compromised by toxins, infections, stress, or pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics, cortisone, and birth control pills, to name a few. High mercury levels have been linked to fungal infections. If toxic levels are present, you may wish to consider Energique’s Metalstat, Dentastat, or other detoxifiers. Please refer to the Detoxification pages of this guide for more information.
*Denotes primary remedy.
**These statements are based upon traditional homeopathic practice.
**Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
revised 3/1/21